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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

QQ Winners!

Alright, here are this weeks quote quiz winners!


1st place~ Hayley! Congratulations!


2nd place~ Ashley! Woohoo!


3rd place~ EchoOfMercy! Yay!!!

You guys may comment with your specifications on background pictures, fonts, and font colors! If you want a little more information on this, look at the post below. :) Next week I'll post the next quotes!

I have a question for you guys. Should I post the answers and/or points the contestants scored, or just keep it as it is?

Lastly, do any of you know of a blog makeover contest? I really need a permanent makeover, preferably by My Designer Girl (I love her work!) Anyone know of a contest?...

Farewell for now,

Create your own banner at!


  1. Awesome! :D Thanks!

    Let's see... I'm not really good at buttons... probably fun, sort of bright letters on a darker background?

    And I think it would be fun to read the answers to the quiz after it's over.

  2. How about a pic of Emma from the 2009 version? No preference on a specific pic or font...surprise me!:)


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