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Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 24 / Eldarwen's giveaway

The Bourne Identity. That's a movie I'm pretty sure at least some of you wouldn't think I'd love. I just watched it, along with the second and third one, for the second time last week. I'd forgotten how good they were! I think I might just have to put that series up to my favorite series and movie(s). (And by the way, we use Clearplay for it!)
Maybe some of you who know me more are really thinking, "Yup, that sounds like the type of movie she'd like, knowing her," but I don't know that, so I chose it anyway.
By the way, Eldarwen is having a 500th post giveaway which includes a really neat-looking Eldarwen-made bag and a pretty wallet. To go to her blog, you can click HERE.

Farewell for now,

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  1. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE JASON BOURNE!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D He's sooooo awesome!!!! That's a great series!!

    Thanks for posting about my giveaway, Nahla! :)


  2. *fives* Great movies, especially with Clearplay! =D

  3. Sounds like something my family wouldn't be interested in seeing.


  4. Eldarwen~ I completely agree!

    Paradox~ Totally!

    Hayley~ Probably, but it still is good!


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