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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Kingdom Series

I have recently been reading a series of books called the "Kingdom" series. It's a wonderfully written series written by Chuck Black. The books are really the story of the entire Bible, set in medieval times. With no magic, intense battle scenes, and much more, it's a really fascinating series, and I recommend reading it, if you are interested in that sort of thing. Here is a little part of one of the books...

Leinad grabbed the sword and started his run back to the boulders. Off to his right he spotted the hilt of a second sword almost covered in dirt. He chanced a detour to retrieve the second sword, though he knew the extra time might cost him. The thick vegetation of the tree line moved and parted. A dragamoth leapt through the opening and screeched the cry of a merciless predator...

I know this is the second teaser of a book I've posted, but it shows how much I enjoy the company of an exiting story. I hope you liked this one, too!


  1. wow Nim, I was going to do a reveiw on the kingdom series, but you did much better than I did!

  2. Hey Nim! Quit stealing my Ideas!:D I guess i will just have to do something else. :o


  3. Oh, sorry. I guess I beat you to it!

  4. That's okay Nim! ;D Love the way you did that!


  5. I hank you, Hayley! I love the book you have written so far!


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